VIDEO – Evidentiary Hearing Process Before the State Personnel Board
2-hours MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 120 minutes
This video presentation by Paul R. Ramsey, Chief Administrative Law Judge, Appeals Division of the State Personnel Board will provide an overview of the procedures utilized by SPB to resolve appeals from actions taken by employers against employees under the State Civil Service Act. Beginning with the appeal and concluding with the Board’s final decision, information will be presented on what parties can expect from the State Personnel Board and its Administrative Law Judges.
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion.
The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Add to cart
VIDEO – Probate Referees and the Probate Process
1.5-hours MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 94 minutes
In this video presentation, you will hear from James R. Tucker, Sacramento County Probate Referee and Kevin P. Eckard, Placer County Probate Referee an overview of the role probate referees play in the probate process. They will provide examples of problems or difficulties that can arise (procedural or specific kinds of property), and explain some things lawyers can do to make the process easier for the referees and more expedient for counsel.
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion.
The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Add to cart

1-hour MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 74 minutes
In this video presentation, Jennifer Rouse, Esq. from the Meissner, Joseph, Palley & Ruggles, Inc. law firm covers the following: Almost all fiduciaries - trustees, executors, administrators, conservators of the estate and guardians of the estate - must provide accountings either to the court or to beneficiaries. Certain information must be included in the accountings in order to get the best protection for the fiduciary and to have them approved by the court. This presentation will give you the basics to prepare and file those accountings.
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion.
The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Add to cart

1-hour MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 59 minutes
Presenter: John R. Wierzbicki, a California lawyer and Co-Director of the Witkin Legal Institute
2019 was an unusual year for the California Supreme Court, which issued five Anti-SLAPP cases in less than six months. Some of these cases it had been holding on to for more than two years and every decision was unanimous. And, it still had time to hand down significant decisions on local police powers, third-party beneficiaries in contracts, tax authority of charter cities, and economic loss damages. John R. Wierzbicki, a California lawyer and Co-Director of the Witkin Legal Institute, covers these cases and what the justices were so eager to instruct us about Anti-SLAPP.
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion. The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Add to cart