Discovery Part 3. How to respond to a request for admissions.
Part 2. Locating assets, calculating current amount owed, memorandum of costs (MC-12). This series of videos covers the most successful …
Continue reading “Enforcement of Judgments 2: Determine Amount Owed”
Tips on limited quantity of discovery requests, protective orders, planning, and proofs of service.
Discovery Part 4. Using the standard Form Interrogatories (Disc-001) to request information from the opposing party.
Part 3. Locating assets, debtors examination (OEX) (AT-138 / EJ-125), dumpster diving. This series of videos covers the most successful …
Continue reading “Enforcement of Judgments 3: Finding Assets (Debtors Exam)”
To order your own criminal history (rap sheet), fill out a form and take it to a Live Scan site …
Continue reading “How to Order Your Rap Sheet (Criminal History) –”
Discovery Part 5. Responding to the standard Form Interrogatories (Disc-001)
Part 4a. Writ of execution (EJ-130), bank levy (EJ-150), wage garnishment (WG-001). This series of videos covers the most successful …
Continue reading “Enforcement of Judgments 4a: Choose Your Weapon(s)”
Part 1 provides an introduction to trial preparation and discusses the pros and cons of choosing a judge or jury …
Continue reading “Trial Prep for Self-Represented Litigants 1: Intro, Jury vs Non-Jury”
Discovery Part 6. Using special (customized) interrogatories to request information from the opposing party.