VIDEO – Virtual Justice: Remote Technology in the Courtroom
1-hour MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 64 minutes
This MCLE video presentation by In response to the pandemic, courts throughout the country have had to adapt operations to insure both the safety of the public and to provide essential access to justice. The implementation of remote technology is now commonplace and has been implemented in every division of the Sacramento Superior Court in some capacity. This presentation by the Honorable Russell L. Hom, Judge of Sacramento Superior Court will discuss the practical uses of remote technology and the social and legal challenges posed by remote technology. The program will include a discussion of the future of remote technology in the court and specifically recent legislation enacted to insure the continued use of remote technology after the pandemic.
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion. The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].
VIDEO – QDROS Explained: Understanding QDRO Provisions, Joinders, Judgment Language and Survivor Benefits
1-hour MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 65 minutes
John Madden co-owner of Moon, Schwartz and Madden, is a nationally known retirement benefits valuation expert. In this Video, John will cove joinders, notice of adverse interest, survivor benefits, Judgment language and more for both public and private retirement plans to help you assist with the division of marital or community property in a divorce action for your client.
This Video qualifies for 65 minutes of “participatory” MCLE credit. The Sacramento County Public Law Library, provider #11100, certifies that this event conforms to the standards
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion. The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].
Capitalizing On Legal Analytics As A Competitive Advantage In California State Trial Courts
MCLE credit: 1 hour MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 54 minutes
Join the Sacramento County Public Law Library and Trellis for an engaging video as we cover how legal analytics enables you to analyze the behavior and history of your judge, competitive counsel, prospects and clients to gain crucial insights into litigation history and ruling tendencies. We will show you how to leverage state trial court – and verdict – data to be more efficient, more proactive, and achieve better results for your clients. You will learn how to maximize legal analytics to gain a competitive advantage, win cases and bring in more money when litigating in California state trial court.
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion. The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].
MCLE credit: 1.75 hours MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 103 minutes
This video examines the California regulations and the “how-to” of the regular rulemaking process. It also looks at other rulemaking processes i.e. emergency regulations and Section 100. The video provides a foundational understanding of the process as well as the nuts and bolts of the rulemaking process so you will be sure to dot your “i”s and cross your “t”s in meeting the basic minimum requirements that the Office of Administrative Law requires as part of the California Administrative Procedure Act (APA). It will also offer a few tips and dispel some common myths about the rulemaking process. Come prepared to take notes and ask questions as we explore exactly what it is to promulgate regulations in the State of California.
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion. The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].
How to Start a Successful Criminal Defense Practice (WEBINAR)
Photo This webinar presentation by Commissioner Alin D. Cintean is designed to help lawyers interested in starting a criminal defense …
VIDEO – Economic and Financial Analysis in Employment and Personal Injury Matters
MCLE credit: 1.5 hours MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 83 minutes
This video will cover the appropriate benefits to include in loss calculations, the discount rate, wage growth rate, earnings basis, impaired earnings capacity, present value calculations, mitigation issues including inferior employment (Villacorta v. Cemex Cement) and hearsay problems (People v. Sanchez) as well as adverse tax consequences of a lump-sum award or settlement. Arthur Clemens, Jr. v. Centurylink Inc. and Qwest Corporation, 2017 WL 5013661 (9th Cir. 2017)] ‘gross-up’ permitted to offset the adverse tax consequences, and methods of computing loss of benefits, among other issues.
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion.
The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].
Effective Use of Code of Civil Procedure Sections 664.6 and 998 to Secure Judgment
MCLE credit: 1.15 hours MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 75 minutes:
This video will cover the appropriate benefits to include in loss calculations, the discount rate, wage growth rate, earnings basis, impaired earnings capacity, present value calculations, mitigation issues including inferior employment (Villacorta v. Cemex Cement) and hearsay problems (People v. Sanchez) as well as adverse tax consequences of a lump-sum award or settlement. Arthur Clemens, Jr. v. Centurylink Inc. and Qwest Corporation, 2017 WL 5013661 (9th Cir. 2017)] ‘gross-up’ permitted to offset the adverse tax consequences, and methods of computing loss of benefits, among other issues.