Sexual Harassment in the Gig Economy-The More Things Stay the Same, the More They Change
Sexual Harassment in the Gig Economy-The More Things Stay the Same, the More They Change
This online video qualifies for 1.5 General participatory credit hours when continuously watched in full.
The American workplace has changed dramatically in recent years. Sexual harassment has also transitioned from the old to the new workplace and beyond. Sexual harassment may occur during a Zoom meeting, after hours on Twitter or Instagram, or be perpetrated by those over whom the employer has no real control.
The Sacramento County Public Law Library is an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].
Immigration Law Series: Defending Non-Citizens in California
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. This MCLE will provide a very brief overview of defending non-citizens accused of a crime in California: What you should include in your intake procedures, the requirements under 9th Circuit and Supreme Court case law, avoiding pitfalls...
Immigration Law Series: Representing LGBTQ+ Asylum Seekers
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. All MCLE courses in the Immigration Law Series are offered jointly with the Sacramento County Bar Association Immigration Law Section. Join Leanna M. Sac for an overview of how to represent LGBTQ+ asylum seekers at...
Foundational Tax Reduction Strategies for Law Firm Owners
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. This video to uncovers indispensable tax reduction strategies tailored for solo or small law firm owners. Delve into core, foundational strategies expressly permitted by the Internal Revenue Code that are essential for maximizing tax savings and minimizing...
The Consequences of Criminal Convictions in Occupational and Professional Licenses Cases
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. Many occupational and professional licensing agencies consider criminal convictions when deciding whether to grant or discipline a license. This presentation will help criminal defense attorneys and unrepresented parties understand the consequences of criminal convictions in the licensing...
Administrative Hearings: Nuts & Bolts Part 4 of 4
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. This video is the fourth of a four-part program designed to walk attorneys and litigants through the process and strategies to handle an administrative hearing. Our panel of Administrative Law Judges will share their views...
Women Making History
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 "Elimination of Bias" participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. This video will explore a celebration of Women's History Month within and beyond the legal profession. Join Commissioner Jaya Badiga; Amina Merritt, Esq.; Lexi Howard, Esq.; and Jennifer Mouzis, Esq. for an exciting...
Women Making History
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 "Elimination of Bias" participatory credit hours when continuously watched in full. This video will explore a celebration of Women's History Month within and beyond the legal profession. Join Commissioner Jaya Badiga; Amina Merritt, Esq.; Lexi Howard, Esq.; and Jennifer Mouzis, Esq. for an exciting...
Administrative Hearings: Nuts & Bolts Part 3 of 4
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. This video is the third of a four-part program designed to walk attorneys and litigants through the process and strategies to handle an administrative hearing. Our panel of administrative law judges will share their views...
Serving Unhoused Sacramentans: Accessing Public Benefits
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. Beth Patel (she, her, hers) is a Staff Attorney at Legal Services of Northern California where she represents low-income clients in maintaining housing, benefits, healthcare, and economic stability. She is proud to have grown up...
Administrative Hearings: Nuts & Bolts Part 2 of 4
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. This video is the second of a four-part program designed to walk attorneys and litigants through the process and strategies to handle an administrative hearing. Our panel of administrative law judges will share their views...
Access to Justice Efforts, an Impact Assessment
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 Elimination of Bias participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. A celebration of Black History Month within and beyond the legal profession. Join moderator Angelina Ray, Esq. and panel members the Honorable Judge Bunmi Awoniyi, the Honorable Judge Myrlys Stockdale-Coleman, and Mark Slaughter,...
Trust Administration
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1.5 General participatory credit hours when continuously watched in full. Attorney Brian Wyatt has been practicing law in California for more than 20 years. Brian’s practice focuses on trust and estate matters. He belongs to the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, the Academy of...
Administrative Hearings: Nuts & Bolts Part 1 of 4
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. This video is the first of a four-part program designed to walk attorneys and litigants through the process and strategies to handle an administrative hearing. Our panel of Administrative Law Judges will share their views...
Preventing Homelessness through Eviction Defense
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. Beth Patel (she, her, hers) is a Staff Attorney at Legal Services of Northern California where she represents low-income clients in maintaining housing, benefits, healthcare, and economic stability. She is proud to have grown up...
Serving Unhoused Sacramentans Citation Defense
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. Guy Danilowitz (he, him, his) Assistant Public Defender, has been an attorney since 2009. He has experience in civil and criminal law in state and federal court. He is currently employed by the Sacramento Public...
AI and Fabricated Evidence
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1.5 "Technology"participatory credit hours when continuously watched in full. Artificial Intelligence AI has been in the news quite a bit but has now found its way into evidence produced in litigation. Don Vilfer, President of Digital Evidence Ventures, will detail some of the real-life instances his...
Estate Planning for People with Special Needs
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1.5 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. This educational Video is designed for licensed attorneys and members of the public who want to know more about estate planning for people with special needs. We will cover the basics of public benefits and special...
VIDEO – What is a Workplace Whistleblower?
Alexa Greenbaum, Employment Law defense attorney in the Sacramento office of Fisher Phillips and David Graulich, plaintiffs’ attorney with Wronged at Work Law Group in Fair Oaks, will offer an examination on the reach of evolving state whistleblower protections for employees who report unlawful conduct in the workplace. We will...
VIDEO – Workers’ Compensation Fraud
The Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office – Insurance Fraud Unit handles workers’ compensation fraud, as well as automobile insurance fraud and organized automobile fraud cases. We have a team of highly motivated attorneys, investigators, and clerical support staff that are dedicated to the investigation and prosecution of these types of...
Professional Responsibility and Research Obligations for California Teams
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 “Legal Ethics" participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. Are you up to date on professional responsibility obligations around the use of technology? The growing use and adoption of technology presents an increasing challenge to legal professionals. Join this webinar to learn how...
Litigating Racial Justice Issues in Criminal Law
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. John Stoller, Assistant Public Defender at the Sacramento County Public Defender’s Office, discusses a broad overview of racial justice related litigation as it impacts pretrial motions, evidentiary issues, jury selection, and post-conviction relief. The Sacramento...
California APA Rulemaking Initial Statement Of Reasons (ISOR)
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1.75 General participatory credit hours when continuously watched in full. Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR): The video will be a deeper dive into the elements and requirements of an ISOR. Our Presenter, Kent Gray, will look briefly at the importance of the ISOR before turning...
VIDEO – The Nuts And Bolts Of Handling An Appeal
This 1.5 hour presentation will describe the basic steps of handling an appeal in the California State Appellate Courts. From filing your notice of appeal to obtaining and putting together the record to honing your arguments to preparing a persuasive brief to electronic filing with the court, this course will...
The Nuts and Bolts of Handling an Appeal (WEBINAR)
Photo by Edge2Edge Media on Unsplash This 1.5 hour presentation will describe the basic steps of handling an appeal in the California State Appellate Courts. From filing your notice of appeal to obtaining and putting together the record to honing your arguments to preparing a persuasive brief to electronic filing with the court,...
A Recipe for Support: An Analytical Conversation Regarding Child Support and Spousal Support in California (WEBINAR)
Photo by Mikhail Nilov: This webinar will explore the ways in which a court will determine income available for the payment of both child and spousal support. We will walk you through the salient factors of determining the payor’s true income, including review of tax returns, profit and loss...
Real Property Rights After Death
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1 General participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full. Join Kristin Capritto from Downey Brand for a discussion about real property issues all trusts and estates practitioners should be aware of, whether they are preparing a plan, administering an estate or trust, or litigating...
Diving Deeper into Legal Research Potential-Advanced Online Legal Research Concepts (WEBINAR)
This course is going to be a deeper dive into online legal research. According to the model rules of professional conduct, attorneys need to maintain competency, and a component of maintaining competency is to keep abreast of the benefits and risks of relevant technology. By the end of this course...
Evidentiary Hearing Process 2022 Before The State Personnel Board
MCLE Video
This online video qualifies for 1.75 General participatory credit hours when continuously watched in full. This video will provide an overview of the procedures utilized by the State Personnel Board to resolve appeals from actions taken by employers against employees under the State Civil Service Act. Beginning with the appeal...