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Ethical Requirements and Considerations in e-Discovery

Ethical Requirements and Considerations in e-Discovery

This online video qualifies for 1 “Legal Ethics” participatory credit hour when continuously watched in full.

Nearly every litigation matter now should involve eDiscovery. The ultimate responsibility for how eDiscovery is handled rests with counsel and not the vendor, client or “IT guy.” Don Vilfer, President of Digital Evidence Ventures, will cover the ethical requirements in eDiscovery matters, offer practical advice on safely navigating the eDiscovery waters and talk about situations when the Bar might require you seek outside assistance.

The Sacramento County Public Law Library is an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].


Don Vilfer, JD

MCLE Credit

1 Legal Ethics hours

Viewing Time

114 minutes

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