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Enforcement of Judgments 4a: Choose Your Weapon(s)

Enforcement of Judgments 4a: Choose Your Weapon(s)

Part 4a. Writ of execution (EJ-130), bank levy (EJ-150), wage garnishment (WG-001).

This series of videos covers the most successful methods of collection, including obtaining an Earnings Withholding Order and Bank Levy; Applications and Orders for Appearance and Examination; and Abstracts of Judgment. Calculating interest on judgments, renewing judgments, and filing an Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment are also covered.

The Law Library offers the following guides related to this video:

Bank Levy: Collect Your Judgment from the Debtor’s Bank Account

Wage Garnishment: Collect Your Judgment from the Debtor’s Paychecks

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Courts and Procedure

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Enforcement of Judgments 1: Introduction

Part 1. Introduction, locating the debtor. This series of videos covers the most successful methods of collection, including obtaining an Earnings Withholding Order and Bank Levy; Applications and Orders for Appearance and Examination; and Abstracts of Judgment. Calculating interest on judgments, renewing judgments, and filing an Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment are also covered.

Enforcement of Judgments 2: Determine Amount Owed

Part 2. Locating assets, calculating current amount owed, memorandum of costs (MC-12). This series of videos covers the most successful methods of collection, including obtaining an Earnings Withholding Order and Bank Levy; Applications and Orders for Appearance and Examination; and Abstracts of Judgment. Calculating interest on judgments, renewing judgments, and filing an Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment are also covered. The Law Library offers a guide to preparing a Memorandum of Costs.

Enforcement of Judgments 3: Finding Assets (Debtors Exam)

Part 3. Locating assets, debtors examination (OEX) (AT-138 / EJ-125), dumpster diving. This series of videos covers the most successful methods of collection, including obtaining an Earnings Withholding Order and Bank Levy; Applications and Orders for Appearance and Examination; and Abstracts of Judgment. Calculating interest on judgments, renewing judgments, and filing an Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment are also covered. The Law Library offers a guide on conducting a Debtor's Examination.

Enforcement of Judgments 4b: Handling Claims of Exemption

Part 4b. Opposing claims of exemption. Forms: Claim of Exemption (EJ-160) Notice of Opposition to Claim of Exemption (EJ-170), Notice of Hearing on Claim of Exemption (EJ-175). This series of videos covers the most successful methods of collection, including obtaining an Earnings Withholding Order and Bank Levy; Applications and Orders for Appearance and Examination; and Abstracts of Judgment. Calculating interest on judgments, renewing judgments, and filing an Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment are also covered.

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