Bringing Justice To Those Suffering From Mental Illness
1 hour MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 56 minutes
This video provides 0.5 "Technology" participatory credit hours and 0.5 "General" participatory credit hours.
Some who come in contact with the court system may suffer from various mental illnesses. Recognizing any impediments those individuals have or assistance they may need, while recognizing any biases we may bring to the table, enables us to both respect the individual and promote the administration of justice. Using examples from Sacramento’s diversion courts, Judge Lawrence Brown will describe some methods for bringing justice to those suffering from mental illness in the Sacramento area.
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion. The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Select options

VIDEO – Legislative Intent Research Basics
1 hour MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 59 minutes
Statutes frequently contain ambiguous or unclear language. When this occurs, researching the Legislature’s intent in enacting a particular law often becomes necessary. In this video, learn how to research a California statute and gain resources to engage in basic legislative intent research yourself.
Topic includes:
– Legislative history research: what it can do and common use cases
– The process of researching legislative history
– Determining the particular session law (“chapter”) or bill number to research
– Key terms and the different types of documents that make up legislative history
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion. The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Select options
VIDEO – Petitioning To Compel Arbitration And Related Issues
1 hour MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 54 minutes
This MCLE video presentation by Michael J Kuzmich, Shareholder and Ian K. McGlone, Associate with Boutin Jones, Inc law firm will explore and discuss petitions to compel arbitration in California courts and related issues including contractual arbitration provisions generally; pre-litigation considerations; petitions to compel arbitration; motions to stay proceedings pending arbitration; obtaining provisional remedies; and related issues.
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion. The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Select options

Trial Preparation – 90 Days Before Trial
1 hour MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 68 minutes
The last 90 days before the trial are the most important. Getting ready for your trial must start early. There is much to do before you show up for trial. Hopefully, you have completed written discovery and conducted essential depositions.
In this video, Thomas D. Nielsen, Senior Counsel at Jacobsen and McElroy, PC will help you become a puzzle solver by putting together all the elements necessary to provide a clear outline of subjects and considerations you will need to institute as your trial date looms closer.
Topics include:
– Develop investigative procedures.
– Create a trial notebook to keep everything in order and easily accessible.
– Gather evidence including depositions.
– Request and organize all documents pertaining to your case.
– Prepare exhibits for use at trial.
– Draft outlines of direct testimony and cross-examination questions.
– Craft opening remarks and closing arguments.
– Cultivate jury selection objectives.
– Generate effective jury instructions.
Now is the time to focus on putting together all the pieces of the puzzle to get you to win your case!
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion. The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Select options
Settlement Conference Do’s And Dont’s
1 hour MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 64 minutes
This video presentation presided by the Honorable Ben Davidian (Ret.),with Carol A. Wieckowski and Roger A. Dreyer will cover the importance of the MSC and guide you through the pertinent local rules for conducting a meaningful settlement conference before launching into the Do’s and Don’ts from the strategic perspectives of a personal injury plaintiff attorney, a defense attorney and a former Dept 59 settlement conference judge with a combined legal experience of nearly 130 years.
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion. The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Select options