VIDEO – Public Records Act in the Digital Age
1.5-hour MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 90 minutes
Technology and the methods for storing public records has changed dramatically in the last several years. The law is catching up with these changes, along with the techniques for complying with requests and reviewing data. Don Vilfer, JD, Founder of VAND Group LLC, will cover the recent legal developments regarding Public Records Act requests and cost-effective methods to produce or review produced documents. Recent cases regarding personal devices and cell phones and their relevance to Public Records Act requests will also be discussed along with efficient high-tech techniques for collecting and culling large data sets.
Please note, supplemental materials can be downloaded from the same page you view this video. In the video description, click the URL to download the “…speaker’s handouts and ancillary files.”
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Add to cart

VIDEO – Asset Protection: Entities of Choice
2-hours MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 120 minutes
This MCLE video production covers the process of asset protection. It is often done in conjunction with estate and business planning vehicles, such as trusts, family limited partnerships and LLCs, and various split interest arrangements. This seminar will discuss: (i) the risks involved in asset protection; (ii) the different vehicles involved to protect one’s assets; and (iii) the advantages and disadvantages in using certain vehicles.
Please note, supplemental materials can be downloaded from the same page you view this video. In the video description, click the URL to download the “…speaker’s handouts and ancillary files.”
Please note each video is designed for continuous viewing until its conclusion.
The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Add to cart