VIDEO – Intellectual Property Update
Qualifies for: 1.5-hours MCLE credit.
Viewing Time: 90 minutes.
In this video presentation, Jim H. Salter, expert witness and litigation support counsel, with Inventive Patent Law P.C. addresses legal issues surrounding the rights of ownership of patents, trade secrets, trade dress, service marks or trademarks, and the legal or illegal use of this property. Mr. Salter discusses a significant U.S. Supreme Court decision from June 2014 (Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank) that affects the scope of the patent eligibility of computer software.
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
This online course meets the criteria for participatory credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider. State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements (2.72)Read more
VIDEO – Preparing Your Witness for Testimony
Qualifies for: 1.5-hours MCLE credit.
Viewing Time: 90 minutes.
In this video Sandra Sava, of Counsel with Meissner, Joseph & Pally, LLP discusses how to identify and meet the challenges of testimony in four different settings -- declarations, depositions, arbitration and trial - and examines how our current judicial system impacts that testimony.
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
This online course meets the criteria for participatory credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider. State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements (2.72)Read more