VIDEO – CAL OSHA LAW- the Devil is in the Details
2-hours MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 120 minutes
This two-hour MCLE event covered the structure of Cal/OSHA; OSHSB, DOSH, and OSHAB procedural rules; Federal and California jurisdictions: which can cause potential overlaps and conflicts; substantive law, the Federal Act, 29 CFR; the California Labor Code and Title 8 CCR matters; sources for research; "noteworthy legislation," and more. Fred Walter and Lisa Prince, Partners, in the law firm of Walter & Prince, LLP co-authored CEB's Advising California Employers and Employees Practice Guide, "Chapter 12: Workplace Safety."
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
This online course meets the criteria for participatory credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider. State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements (2.72)Read more
VIDEO – “Legal Ethics” Credit-How to Make Ethical and Winning Use of Legislative History
Qualifies for 1 "Legal Ethics" credit
Viewing time: 71 minutes
In this video, you will learn how to use California legislative history to present potent legal arguments in an ethical manner. You will learn (1) how to recognize potential misuse of legislative history records by opposing counsel; (2) how to avoid your own unintentional misuse of the records; and (3) you will also learn about the legislative process and the key historical documents generated along the way that the courts rely upon the most.
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
This online course meets the criteria for participatory credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider. State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements (2.72)Add to cart

VIDEO – Nuts and Bolts of Law & Motion-Part C (Evidentiary Issues in Law & Motion)
MCLE credit: 1-hour
Viewing Time: 60 minutes
Instructor: Judge David I. Brown, Sacramento Superior Court , Department 53
Motions present evidence for the Court to consider. In this video presentation Judge David I. Brown, Sacramento Superior Court, Department 53 addresses evidentiary issues and requirements, to fulfill best practices. In addition, Judge Brown examines the “nuts and bolts” of Ex Parte Applications.
Please note, supplemental materials can be downloaded from the same page you view this video. In the video description, click the URL to download the “…speaker’s handouts and ancillary files.”
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Add to cart

VIDEO – Vintners,Farmers,Ranchers: Setting Up an Estate Plan to Insure a Family Legacy
2-hours MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 120 minutes
In this seminar, estate-planning attorney Tim Murphy explores some of the unique challenges and opportunities in creating an estate plan for vintners, farmers and/or ranchers. You will learn strategies to "give away the farm" while meeting the required obligations of estate tax provisions, wills, trusts and other elements that would encompass an agrarian business. Mr. Murphy discussed transfers within families prior to death including gifts, buy-sell agreements, installment sales, Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRAT), family corporations and family partnerships. He also covered conservation easements, special use valuations and transfers upon death, delineating potential pitfalls regarding liquidity issues that may occur when dealing with a trust-owned farm/ranch.
This online course meets the criteria for participatory credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider. State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements (2.72)Read more
VIDEO – Going Solo: Don’t Think Like a Lawyer!
Viewing Time: 90 minutes
David Graulich is a solo practitioner who specializes in plaintiff's employment litigation. In this presentation, David draws from his professional service experience and law practice acumen to help you plan and develop your solo practice, including marketing, operations and time management. David's basic theme is this: In law school you were taught how to think like a lawyer. Now the challenge is different – you must think like an entrepreneur who has a license to practice law.
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Add to cart

VIDEO – Workers Rights in California: The Five Fundamentals
MCLE Credit: 1
Viewing time: 90 minutes
David Graulich, Esq. represents people who have been wronged at work. His practice is devoted to helping people deal with legal matters that happen on the job. In this video presentation, Mr. Graulich delves into "The Five Fundamentals" of employment law in California: at-will, employee or contractor, exempt or non-exempt, FEHA, and wrongful termination. The CLE material associated with this video is for attorneys who are new to the employment law, as well as a review for those who practice infrequently in this field.
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Add to cart
VIDEO – Competence Issues Credit-Discovering and Recovering from Substance Abuse in the Legal Professions
Qualifies for 1 "Competence Issues" credit
Viewing time: 60 minutes
The legal profession revolves around demands, acumen, and ego. This Video covers educating lawyers on substance abuse warning signs, abuse triggers, and available treatment options.
Please note, supplemental materials can be downloaded from the same page you view this video. In the video description, click the URL to download the “…speaker’s handouts and ancillary files.”
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
This online course meets the criteria for participatory credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider. State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements (2.72)Add to cart

VIDEO – Nuts and Bolts of Law & Motion-Part B
MCLE credit: 1-hour
Viewing Time: 60 minutes
Instructor: Judge David I. Brown, Sacramento Superior Court, Department 53
In this video presentation, you will hear form Judge David I. Brown, Sacramento Superior Court, Department 53, continue his discussion regarding Motions from “Part A.” Judge Brown’s principal focus is on the “new” Demurrer Statute CCP § 430.41, which includes issues regarding effective date, timing, scheduling, default, dispute over “good faith,” and type of hearing. Issues delineating (1) No DCL - Remedy Order M+C (2) No response Order M+C, and (3) the clerk’s acceptance of the demurrer.Judge Brown provide additional insights on (1) CCP § 430.10 Demurrer or defense to complaint or cross-complaint (2) CCP §430.20 Demurrer to answer, and (3) CCP §472 Amendment of pleading as of course.
Please note, supplemental materials can be downloaded from the same page you view this video. In the video description, click the URL to download the “…speaker’s handouts and ancillary files.”
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for “participatory” continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Add to cart
VIDEO – Rudeness: Curtailing Incivility in the Courtroom
1-hour MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 60 minutes
In this judicial perspective, Judge Jaime Roman, Sacramento Superior Court, uses vignettes for discussion, addressing how less-than-civil conduct can and will affect your argument, your reputation, and ultimately impugns the integrity of the legal system for all.
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
This online course meets the criteria for participatory credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider. State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements (2.72)Add to cart
VIDEO – Preparing & Opposing Pre-trial Motions
2-hours MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 120 minutes
Motions are an important aspect of every litigated case. Tim Yeung, Partner in the Sacramento Office of Renne Sloan Holtzman Sakai, LLP presented a systematic approach to preparing and executing an effective pre-trail motion. He discussed the
importance of having a thorough understanding of the rules of civil procedure, evidence, the facts of the case, and the substantive law upon which you are bringing a lawsuit.
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
This online course meets the criteria for participatory credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider. State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements (2.72).Read more
VIDEO – Special Needs Trusts for Plaintiffs with Disabilities
Viewing Time: 90 minutes
This video covers what attorneys and injured parties need to know about settling cases when the plaintiff has a disability. In particular, the relevant laws regarding public benefits, conservatorships, and special needs trusts. You will learn how to spot the important issues and gain a better sense of how to plan for a settlement or verdict.
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for "participatory" continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Add to cart
VIDEO – Jury Selection in Civil Trials
1-hour MCLE credit
Viewing Time: 60 minutes
Judge David F. DeAlba, Sacramento Superior Court, Department 30 offers his judicial perspective on the jury selection process in civil trials in this video.
Please note each video is designed for continous viewing until its conclusion.
The viewing of this online video meets the criteria for "participatory" continuing legal education credit as verified by the Sacramento County Public Law Library, an approved State Bar of California MCLE provider according to the State Bar of California MCLE Rules & Requirements [Rule 2.72].Add to cart