Onsite Research

Researching In The Law Library
The library offers several types of resources onsite including:
- Collections of print material
- Legal databases
- Government documents
Reference librarians are onsite to help direct you to the best resources for your specific research. The library is also a place to access free wifi and public computer terminals.
Our print collection emphasizes practical California and Federal law materials. It includes California and Federal case law, codes and regulations, as well as texts on a wide range of legal topics. We have a large collection of professional practice guides that provide information, checklists, forms and instructions on court procedures and legal transactions. We also carry a range of popular legal self-help titles to assist those handling their own legal matters.
Government Documents

We are a selective Federal Depository Library and California State Document Depository Library. We maintain a mostly electronic collection of United States and California government documents.
DiscoverGov provides simple, one-stop searching across multiple U.S. Federal Government databases, including GPO’s Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) and GovInfo. It contains many, but not all, federal documents.
Legal Databases
The Law Library provides patrons free access to a number of online legal resources. Publishers’ licensing restrictions prohibit the use of most of these databases outside the Law Library, but they are available at all public terminals in the library.
In-Library Use Only (Click here to access from any Law Library computer)
HeinOnline® provides access to full texts of law reviews and legal periodicals from each publication’s inception to its most current volume, State and Federal case law, the Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations, selected U.S. federal legislative history, international treaties and agreements, legal classics, and more.
Lexis +
In-Library Use Only (Click here to access from any Law Library computer)
Lexis + provides access to state and federal primary sources, as well as numerous secondary materials, including Matthew Bender titles such as California Forms of Pleading and Practice and California Points and Authorities, as well as the Shepard’s citator service.
Nolo E-Books
In-Library Link (Click here to access from any Law Library computer)
Log In from Home: Nolo Ebooks provides access to electronic versions of do-it-yourself legal books from Nolo Press, among other publishers. Patrons can access the Nolo Ebooks collection from your home or office. How To Access.
In-Library Use Only (click here to access from any Law Library computer)
OnLAW is a web-based tool that provides online access to over 90 CEB titles. With OnLAW, you can search the full-text of CEB practice guides and action guides to find California legal commentary and analysis and access attorney-drafted forms.
Support Calculation
In-Library Use Only
The library provides the XSpouse support calculation software (similar to Dissomaster™) on all public computers for patron use.
In-Library Use Only (click here to access from any Law Library computer)
Trellis.law allows you to easily search California state trial court dockets, motions and other court documents, tentative rulings, and verdicts and settlements by topic, judge, county, parties, attorneys, and other useful filters. Trellis also offers judge biographies, free legal treatises, and primers on the most common civil motion types and legal issues. Some material is free to all; subscription access in Law Library only.
VitalLaw (Wolters Kluwer)
In Library Use Only (click here to access from any Law Library computer)
Full-text treatises on civil rights, bankruptcy, labor & employment law, corporation and securities Law, and more. Wolters Kluwer’s database includes material from CCH, James Publications, and others.
WorldCat Discovery
WorldCat Discovery from Home or Library
Allows you to simultaneously search our collection and those of many other libraries worldwide using WorldCat, from your home or office!
Reference Librarians
A Reference Librarian is available whenever the library is open to assist patrons. Reference Librarians assist patrons in locating the best materials for their research, and instruct patrons on the use of our print and electronic resources, but cannot give legal advice or opinions, and cannot interpret case law, statutes, regulations, or any other type of document.
We recommend visiting the library in person to work with a Reference Librarian. Limited assistance is also available by telephone and email.
Patrons may also try the AskNow Live Chat calcountylawlib.libanswers.com service staffed by Reference Librarians from California’s public law libraries. This service works best for questions that can be answered quickly and effectively using online resources.
Public Computers
The library offers 12 computers to the public for legal research and document preparation only, in accordance with our Computer and Internet Policy. There is no time limit for computer use, but internet access is limited to legal research websites.
One computer station is set up to meet the needs of vision impaired patrons. This computer station is equipped with an extra-large computer screen and Zoom Text and NVDA software. Other adaptive equipment, such as a roller-ball style mouse and extra-large keyboard are also available upon request.
Patrons may print their documents for 15 cents per page, or save their work to USB flash drives. Patrons may bring their own USB flash drive, or purchase one at the Circulation Desk.
Public Wifi
The library offers free wireless Internet access. Patrons may use their own devices to access the Internet and many of our online subscription databases, consistent with our Computer and Internet Policy. The library’s wireless network utilizes the WiFi standard. Most users can simply bring their wireless ready laptop or other wireless device into the library and turn it on. The computer will automatically access the wireless network. Patrons are not able to print from their own devices.
Computer & Internet Usage Policy
Sacramento County Public Law Library provides public computer and Internet access for the purpose of researching the law.
In order to preserve the security and integrity of its computer network and to ensure equitable access to computer resources for all patrons, the Library may place limitations on the time and manner in which these resources are used.
Patrons may be asked to leave a PC
- If staff determines that the PC is not being used to conduct legal research or to draft legal documents.
- In order to ensure equitable access to computer resources for all patrons.
Guidelines for Computer Use
- Library computer resources may be used only for the purpose of researching the law.
- Parents or legal guardians assume responsibility for use by children under 18.
- The Law Library assumes no liability for any loss, damage or injury arising from using the Library’s computers.
- The Law Library assumes no responsibility for the currency or accuracy of information retrieved from the Internet.
- Use of Law Library computers to engage in any illegal purpose, including, but not limited to, hacking, misrepresentation, harassment, slander, and violation of Federal copyright laws, is prohibited.
Library users may not
- Install software or run programs from personal devices, CD-ROMs or the Internet.
- Reconfigure the hardware, software or system settings.
- Use the computers in any way that damages the hardware, the software, the Library’s local network, or the Internet.
- Failure to follow the guidelines set out in this policy will result in the loss of library and computer privileges.
The Sacramento County Public Law Library reserves the right to adjust the policy and guidelines above.
The Library provides a photocopier for patron use for 15 cents per page. The copier accepts coins, one dollar bills and five dollar bills. Patrons can also purchase a copy card from the circulation desk.