Document Delivery
The Law Library can provide copies of documents on request. We can deliver up to five documents per day (a document is a case, code section, or article; or up to five consecutive sections of a practice guide or treatise). Documents must be available to us via one of our online subscriptions, and will be delivered by email.
You must provide an exact citation; the librarians cannot conduct research for you.
Law Library Cardholders
Library cardholders may receive up to five documents per day, free of charge. Please allow up to 24 hours (1 business day) to receive your documents.
Law Library Cardholders
Document Delivery – Cardholders
Document Delivery – Cardholders
Those who do not have a law library borrower’s card may receive up to five documents per day. A fee of $10 per document must be paid before the documents are delivered. Payment is made by credit card through the Law Library’s website.
Non- Cardholders
Document Delivery – Non Cardholders
Document Delivery – Non Cardholders
We can only provide copies of materials available to us electronically via this service. Materials from other libraries may be obtained via Interlibrary Loan.
The Law Library reserves the right to refuse to fulfill a request if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the request would violate copyright law in Title 17 of the United States Code.