We will be closed Monday, January 20, for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Power of Attorney (California Uniform Statutory)

Templates and Forms

Free form. Use this standard form as a durable or non-durable power of attorney. You can make changes to the form before filling it out, but be aware that the wording of the form must “comply substantially” with California Probate Code Section 4401. This form contains the exact language of that section, so any changes may invalidate it.


These forms have been adapted from California statutes and highly-regarded practice guides to fit common situations. The law librarians have attempted to provide instructions, definitions, and examples to assist non-lawyers in understanding the purpose of the form, and what type of information to include when filling it out.

However, only lawyers (attorneys) can advise you of the correct forms for your particular situation, and what specific information to include on your forms.

It is your responsibility to determine whether this form is suited to your needs. If you have questions about what form to use, or how to fill them out, visit your local law library to do your own legal research, or consult a lawyer.

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