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Expungement (Cleaning up a Criminal Record): Understanding Sacramento Court’s Expungement Packet

Templates and Forms

This guide contains samples with instructions for all of the expungement forms include in the Sacramento County Superior Court’s Expungement / Dismissal Information and Petition Packet.

The court also offers additional information on their Expungement / Dismissal page, and a presentation guiding you step by step on how to fill the forms out.

The court’s Self Help Services offers an online guide to filling the forms out at Expungement Walkthrough – Sacramento Superior Court

Free Video!

Criminal Records Expungement Video

This video is a joint project of the Sacramento County Public Law Library and the former Voluntary Legal Services Program.  It explains how to ask the court to dismiss your convictions and expunge your record.

Note: The forms referred to in this video have been updated since it was recorded. However, the information in the video may still be helpful for those trying to expunge their own record. Make sure you are using the most updated forms included in the Sacramento Superior Court Criminal (Expungement) Dismissal Process guide.

For More Information

On the Web:

California Courts Self Help Website: “Clean your record”
This website includes a section with information and instructions on cleaning up your criminal record.

At the Law Library:

How to Seal Your Juvenile and Criminal Records in California
KFC 1194 .Z9 S53 (Self-Help)

California Criminal Defense Practice
KFC 1155 .C342 Chap. 103
Electronic Access: On the Law Library’s computers, using LexisAdvance.

California Criminal Law Procedure and Practice
KFC 1155 .C35 Chap. 4
Electronic Access: On the Law Library’s computers, using OnLaw.


Petition and Order Pursuant to PC 1203.3 (CR-9, Sacramento)

Petition and Order Pursuant to PC 1203.3 (CR-9, Sacramento)
Petition and Order Pursuant to Penal Code 1203, 17 (CR-9)

Petition for Dismissal (CR-180)

Petition for Dismissal (CR-180) (page 1)
Petition for Dismissal (CR-180) (page 1)

Petition for Dismissal (CR-180) (page 2)
Petition for Dismissal (CR-180) (page 2)

Petition for Dismissal (CR-180) (page 3)
Petition for Dismissal (CR-180) (page 3 of 3)

Petition for Dismissal  Attached Declaration (MC-31)
Petition for Dismissal Attached Declaration (MC-31)

Order for Dismissal (CR-181)

Order for Dismissal (CR-181) (page 1)
Order for Dismissal (CR-181) (page 1)

Criminal History Transcript (Rap Sheet)

Cal. DOJ Criminal History Transcript
Cal. DOJ Criminal History Transcript
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