Upcoming Library Closures

Wednesday, February 12 for Lincoln’s Birthday

Monday, February 17 for Presidents’ Day

Crossover Issues between Dependency and Family Law-NEW DATE

Image by aimee-vogelsang-DbJR10fEteE @ unsplash.com

This webinar will discuss some of the competing issues that come up when handling the presentation of a protective parent in family law and how it can differ from representation of a parent in dependency court. This will cover some of the differences a child similarly abused and/or his/her protective parent may receive different legal treatment depending on which court he/she ends up in.

After you purchase this webinar, you will receive an email message from our Training Coordinator with a link to Demio, the Law Library’s webinar platform. You will log into Demio using your name, California State BAR number (if you do not have a BAR # put N/A) and email address to register into the live webinar.

Paid reservations must be received by December 28, 2020, two-days prior to the event on December 30, 2020.Cancellation of the event must be submitted 48-hours before start time for this webinar. Please see our Terms & Condition and the “48-hour Cancellation Policy” for further details.

**This webinar qualifies for 1-hour of “participatory” MCLE credit. The Sacramento County Public Law Library, provider #11100, certifies that this event conforms to the standards approved for educational activities prescribed by the rules and regulations of the State Bar of California governing minimum continuing legal education [Rule 2.7.5].

Please click the date of the webinar on the calendar below to activate the “Book Now” button.

For webinars - 15 or fewer webinar bookings for a single order. If you have more than 15 people booking, please submit separate orders.


SKU: 31917677a66c

MCLE Credit

1 hour

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