Upcoming Library Closures

Wednesday, February 12 for Lincoln’s Birthday

Monday, February 17 for Presidents’ Day

Brown Bag Series: WORD 2016 – Tables of Contents & Tables of Authorities

Did you know Microsoft® WORD 2016 will automatically create Tables of Contents and Tables of Authorities? Wait, what happens when I make changes or add on to the document will the numbering go wacky?

In this hand-on computer class, you will learn how a couple of mouse clicks will update your TOCs and TOAs with correlated numbering saving you time and money.

Please click the date of the class on the calendar to activate the “Book Now” button.

For webinars - 15 or fewer webinar bookings for a single order. If you have more than 15 people booking, please submit separate orders.


SKU: 2fe2a9d4c061

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