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A Recipe for Support: An Analytical Conversation Regarding Child Support and Spousal Support in California (WEBINAR)

Photo by Mikhail Nilov: https://www.pexels.com/photo/two-people-doing-paperwork-and-computing-taxes-6963053/

This webinar will explore the ways in which a court will determine income available for the payment of both child and spousal support.  We will walk you through the salient factors of determining the payor’s true income, including review of tax returns, profit and loss statements, W2s, loan applications, and each party’s monthly expenses.  What you see is not always reality when reviewing the payor’s (or the payee’s for that matter) reported income.

We will delve into child support with a keen eye on how the court arrives at a guideline child support calculation.  We will discuss the ramifications of agreeing to a non-guideline child support order.  And we will discuss seek work orders, extraordinary work regimens, and special considerations for handling child support when a child has special needs or a disability—including adult-aged children who cannot support themselves.

Finally, we will end with spousal support and the difference between spousal support ordered before a judgment of dissolution of marriage is granted and spousal support that is ordered post-judgment.  We will explain what the Family Code 4320 factors entail and how to present your case for trial with the factors in mind.

After you purchase this webinar, you will receive an email message from our Training Coordinator 24-hours prior to the event with a link to Demio.com, the Law Library’s webinar platform. You will log into Demio using your name, California State BAR number (if you do not have a BAR # put N/A) and email address to register into the live webinar.

Paid reservations must be received by Wednesday, January 18, 2023 prior to the event on Friday, January 20, 2023.

Cancellation of the event must be submitted 48-hours before start time for this webinar. Please see our Terms & Condition and the “48-hour Cancellation Policy” for further details.

**This webinar qualifies for 2-hours of “participatory” MCLE credit. The Sacramento County Public Law Library, provider #11100, certifies that this event conforms to the standards approved for educational activities prescribed by the rules and regulations of the State Bar of California governing minimum continuing legal education [Rule 2.72].

Please click the date of the webinar on the calendar below to activate the “Book Now” button.

For webinars - 15 or fewer webinar bookings for a single order. If you have more than 15 people booking, please submit separate orders.


SKU: 4fc66104f8ad

MCLE Credit

2 hours

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