Upcoming Library Closures

Wednesday, February 12 for Lincoln’s Birthday

Monday, February 17 for Presidents’ Day


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Civil Rights Department (Formerly Dept of Fair Employment and Housing)
Civil and Human Rights

Investigates and provides conciliation services in cases of unlawful discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations. Complaints can be filed online or by mail.

Civil Self Help Services
Courts and Procedure

Civil Self-Help Services (SHS) helps people without lawyers who have questions about simple issues related to a civil case. They can give you general information and help you prepare your own forms in the area of civil law. Common topics include civil harassment restraining orders, petitions for change of name/gender, and expungement of criminal convictions.

Community Legal Services Clinic (McGeorge)

Students at the McGeorge School of Law can serve low-income clients in the areas of Immigration, Bankruptcy, Elder & Health Law, and Homeless Advocacy.

Contractors State License Board

Consumers can use the CSLB to find licensed contractors, check to see if a contractor is licensed, and get assistance with complaints against contractors.

24-Hour Licensing and Consumer Information:: (800) 321-CSLB (2752)

Council of California County Law Librarians
Legal Research

Find your local public law library, events and workshops, and links to legal research resources. Free online classes on many common legal questions.

County of Sacramento Adoption Program

Assists families with legal prerequisites to adoption, and financial assistance in some cases.

Department of Child Support Services

Department of Child Support Services can assist parents and to legal guardians in establishing parentage, and in establishing, modifying, and collecting  child support orders. Cases may be opened by either parent, or may be referred from the welfare agency for reimbursement.

Dept of Workers Comp Information and Assistance Unit 
Accidents and Torts

Monthly workshops on workers’ rights and workers’ compensation procedures, individual advice available.

Disability Rights California  
Administrative Law

Advice on rights, some legal representation available for disability-related legal matters.

Elder and Health Law Clinic
Estates Wills and Trusts

Academic year only. Typically open for intake during June/July and November/December for one to two weeks., Certified law students provide legal advice and undertake representation of low-income individuals 60 and older in the greater Sacramento area. Priority cases include nursing home residents’ rights, alternatives to conservatorships, Social Security, Medicare, Medi-Cal, SSI, health care access, housing, elder abuse, advance health care directives, and simple estate planning tools.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Civil and Human Rights

In-person, phone, or online assistance in filing a claim, as well as mediation services.

Family Law Facilitator
Courts and Procedure

Family law self help assistance, including forms assistance, file review, preparation of orders and judgments and other forms of procedural assistance. Also assists with Domestic Violence Restraining Orders, Elder Abuse Restraining Orders,  Probate Guardianship, and Limited Conservatorship cases. Eligibility: Must have family law case in Sacramento County Superior Court.

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