California APA Rulemaking Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR)

California APA Rulemaking Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR)

Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR): The video will be a deeper dive into the elements and requirements of an ISOR.

Our Presenter, Kent Gray, will look briefly at the importance of the ISOR before turning to the details of what is required to be included in an ISOR and will look at providing the required specifics for regulatory changes, from the broad perspective right down to why a department chose a specific number of days. All this is necessary for an ISOR. Moreover, the better the ISOR, the less work on the back end when making the Final Rulemaking File. This is the nuts-and-bolts, which will include tips.


Kent Gray, JD

MCLE Credit

1.75 hours

Viewing Time

108 minutes

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